Limited Options for extra Charge

I just continue my self-talk.

In here (WeWeb) we are limited to the WeWeb CDN which has a max_file_size of 50MB, which is nothing.
But you can use directly, XANO or Supabase, where Supabase is the better option with 100GB in their “Advanced Price Plan”, but their charge for extra GBs is “$0.021/GB”.

Clourflare R2: 10GB/month free + $0,015/GB (Limited to AWS)
AWS S3/4: $0,0245/GB (depends on your needs, but has many options for storage etc.)
Bunny-net: $0.01/GB (also depends on your needs etc., but a good value)

I know that i can create my own custom code, but then things will change from No-Code to a No-Code-Visual-Builder a la Elementor for Wordpress, and as well become much much more expensive.

Basically its easier and cheaper to use frameworks like Bootstrap together with Laravel (for example) or just code it yourself, and its for free. (Many sources to get knowledge)

The internet depends on the traffic!

If i missed something, feel free to post.

No answer from WeWeb, is also an answer.

I just refer to this post, which makes the system of “nocode” not scalable. (specific but i have more examples)

But you can delete my post, if you dont like to have negative things in your community.
Ignoring is always better.

Is there a problem I or a community member can help with?

Or are you just advocating for building in PHP instead of Weweb?

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I think you should cool it a little. Give people time to answer your questions. This is not a customer support, this is a community where we help each other out

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Hi @vitinhocaradeboi,

Sorry I’m not sure to understand the question in your post.

About the WeWeb CDN I agree we are not the best option, keep in mind we offer this service only to provide an easy way to start with your project if you need you or your users to be able to upload and share files, it’s not intended to be a sophisticated service. We encourage our users to store their files through their backend or external dedicated services.

We focus mainly on the front end building experience and rely on our partners to handle the backend and files hosting part of your app, like Xano or Supabase.
It’s better to handle them through the backend as it’s how you will enforce security rules and who can access/update which files for example.

Personnaly, i have some divergence and some point which i think could improve the tool, but kind of disagree with this critic.
I personnaly use Zallaz, Supabase, Cloudflare D1… yes.
That litterally one key good feature of WeWeb here. On an hosting plan, compared to Webflow for example, you don’t depend on their own CMS lockedin and their logics etc…
If more advanced feature you need to go through Wized too.

Here it’s not visual building, it’s visual programming the main key feature (from my own personal POV). The Editor should be the solely focus imo, not the hosting
Anyone can host anything anywhere, not any tool can do more than visual building without touching a terminal or thing like that.

WeWeb has this as its core main purpose, and it’s that that will be profondly determinant in the futur of webdevelopment.
I never bought any webflow hosting plan for example, just exported my projects for 24$/month for 10 project in the same time

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Nah, the Database is managed very well.
But why not a proper file storage with a good CDN and subdomain system.
It would make things much easier.

PHP is nice, btw.

WeWeb is a frontend builder, not a backend or hosting service. Those things should be handled by a proper backend.