Kongponents in WeWeb?

Hi Everyone,

How can I add Kongponents components to WeWeb? It is possible?

More information about Kongponents here: https://kongponents.konghq.com/


yes it’s possible if you use custom components.
You need to install the library, and load the css inside your component.
Do not set any of the build instructions they are giving, as it is weweb which handles this.
Be sure you are also using the Vue3 version

Also, if you only need the css classes, do no bother and just load the css from their CDN

Wouldn’t this be importing the JS library multiple times if there is 6 elements and each has it’s own Custom Component? Or how does it work, when the dependency is present in more than one package.json dependencies?

When the element is load on the editor, this will load the library several times, but not in the published version (we “merged” the component dependencies).
The real best approach would be to use a plugin to load the library, but its not open yet.
Maybe the new npm plugin can help?

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Aurelie, thanks for your help.
I’m new here, I’m coming from Bubble and I intend to migrate my SaaS to WeWeb… Well, could you provide a tutorial or link to a video that shows the step by step?

Hi @opropriofabiano :wave:

We can’t provide a step-by-step guide for this specific library but we can share a couple of resources that should help you get there:

  1. here’s replay of a live stream @aurelie did where she explains how to develop a custom component for WeWeb (note that this is advanced so if you have no coding experience, you’ll find it difficult. not insurmountable, but not easy if it’s your first time developing a Vue component :slight_smile: )

  2. @raydeck hosts regular office hours to help no-coders take that one extra step to build the hardest 5% of their projects. I’ve never attended myself but have heard only good things from other WeWeb community members.

I hope this helps. Let me know if not. I might not be able to provide a step-by-step guide but if you share a few screenshots or a video recording of what you’re trying to achieve with this library, I could look into it and give it a shot.