Issues with Xano data datasource plugin configuration

Hi there,

I want to change the Metadata API key of the Xano data source plugin. It was still on the deprecated API developer key. But this doesn’t work. The plugin configuration keeps loading after selecting the instance. And I get the message regarding failed to init, because of not having permissions. But the meta data API key does have alle permissions checked.

I had the same issues with the auth plugin, but after I removed that and re-installed and configured it, it was working. Now I want to try to remove the datasource plugin, but I don’t want to loose all the collection that are created and used in my app.

Which steps should I take?


@Joyce Do you know what happens with the Xano collections when I remove (and reinstall) the Xano data source plugin? The plugin is broken.

I tested it elsewhere. Removing the plugin removes the collections also. Is there another way to fix the plugin configuration?

Hi, could you open a ticket on ? With the metadata API key you want to use and the project link, we will give a look :slight_smile:


Issue is solved. The Xano plugin sets Live as default values for the branches. But this should be v1, which in Xano is the default branch.

However default value Live is indeed correct for the data source configuration.

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Yes the placeholder can be confusing, it say “default to the live branch”, it doesn’t mean the branch is named live, it’s the one flagged as “live” in your Xano