Anyone else having issues with the Xano plugin?

Today we noticed we are not able to access any of our Xano endpoints created with the plugin. We initially thought it might be related to the Metadata token so we created a new token, however that did not fix the issue. Anyone else seeing issues related to the Xano plugin?

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I’m having issues too. I thought I was the only one. Hopefully, it gets fixed ASAP.

Just had one of my key endpoints just randomly stop working. It’s allowing me to select the group but not letting me select the endpoint. Pretty frustrating.

Same issue we are having.

Same issue here

anyone from weweb team? @Joyce I also submitted a bug report.
Xano plugin doesn’t work properly. all collections using the plugin are affected. We can select the api group not the endpoint.

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Same issue. Am sure they’ll get it resolved once they’re online :raised_hands:

Hi guys, I don’t think it’s coming from WeWeb: Feed - Xano Community

It’s a 403 error. Can you try with Postman?

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all my xano endpoints work with REST API plugin but not with xano plugin

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thanks @danlopes great catch. reaching out to xano.

Endpoints are working correctly via Postman. Still not accessible via Collections using the plugin in WeWeb.

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Showstopper for us at the moment. Seems to be a breaking change from new Xano update - but … isn’t the Xano auth plugin for WeWeb maintained by WeWeb?? Seems like their team is gonna have to fix plugin right? @danlopes

Hello, we haven’t updated the plugin in a long time. There is no reason it’s coming from us. Please contact Xano.

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The problem is that Xano pushed an update that changes security settings for METADATA API.
you need to set swagger of API group to public, it will work then (i guess that’s just a quickfix for now)

XANO support has just fixed this! We are back.

It’s still not working on my end… I can’t select endpoint

@august You need to contact Xano support directly so they can add a fix to your instance.

thank you

Looks like the Xano fix is working for us. We did not have to contact Xano. Back to normal.

I have reached out to Xano, and the fixed the issue.