Is there a way to do a Xano Request on the front end of instead of just in the workflows in the backend?

i.e. “Do a search for…” as exists in

Or are we limited to add-ons?

Does this feature not exist for speed’s sake?

@Quentin @Joyce

Thank you!

@adammiko, I think you are asking if you can see the database query value in the front end without using a workflow. For example, in Bubble, you can have a dashboard where you want to “Do a Search for Projects” with some constraints and show a count of the Projects found.

In WeWeb, you’d create a Collection with the optional constraints added in the Collection’s configuration. You can then use this Collection as a “Do a Search” in the front end.

Add-ons are to fetch additional related data from a Xano API call.

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Ah awesome! Thanks @Himanshu :grinning:

I wasn’t familiar with the “Do a search for…” option in Bubble so was confused by the question.

You have to create the search as a collection; then you can bind visual elements directly to a data source but it’s not like in bubble where every element can have a search of its own. Instead here you’d make various api calls or create various collections.