Is it possible to integrate LINE? In Southeast Asia, it’s quite popular. This is for login and for profiles… to save info to the profiles.
Hi, I think its doable with our OpenID plugin => Integrating LINE Login with your web app | LINE Developers
Oh wow. Great.
Thanks, but there are some questions:
What if I need a custom generated key on first connect? (
How does OpenID plugin acts? In Line docs we need to get “code” first and then take “token”. There is no option.
When I connect it, I see an error without any explanations. “Network Error”. Is it 403 or 404?
@Alexis do you think you could look at Anton’s request please?
Please try with the domain only,, if they are openid compliant it should works
The plugin take care of managing the flow, so we will get the code, exchange it with a token and so on
No, still doesn’t work. Tried Line Login in Bubble — it works, so Line’s settings are ok.
The error on “Test”:
name: "Error"
stack: "Error: Network Error at s.onerror ("
message: "Network Error"
Please create a new support ticket with the attached project link so we can inspect your configuration and investigate further
I did create a support ticket Alexis. In fact, someone from your team messaged me about it today.
Hi @jimmyjon
We have the following support tickets open for you: “Not generating a random code when integrating LINE SSO” which has the status “Need more info”
Is that the ticket you are referring to?
If so, could you please edit the description of your support ticket and add:
- a link to your project in the WeWeb editor, and
- a video that shows what you have, what’s working, and where you’re stuck?
This additional information will help us a lot!
Will do. Thanks
we’ll make a project for testing purposes
Hi, @Joyce. Sorry for the long answer, I’m building another complex project on WeWeb.
Here are the docs for the Line: Integrating LINE Login with your web app | LINE Developers
I’ve tried to do the same with — it works.
The test project is just your dashboard template: Editor | WeWeb
Here is an error:
name: "Error" stack: "Error: Network Error at s.onerror (" message: "Network Error"
Hey @Antiokh
I would file a support ticket on if I were you.
It’s probably a misconfigured variable on your Line account, but the error message makes it hard to understand what it actually is.
We’ll have a look!
Thank you, I’ll make a ticket. I’ve tried different settings.
@Joyce @Quentin @Alexis
I’ve created a ticket from the test project ( dash + line | WeWeb).
Here is a Bubble plugin, containing all the settings. You can notice that it uses different endpoints at different domains: Bubble Plugin Editor - LINE LOGIN
Thanks a lot for sharing this. It seems like bubble is using a flow not requiring any secret. So I think you dont need our OpenID plugin to connect with Line.
You probably have to
- Redirect your user to the Line login screen ( with the right redirect URL
- Once logged in it will redirect back in your web app with a token you can consume through a REST API request to get the access token (
- You will be able to call an endpoint to get the user profile with the returned access token (
You can use our Token Based Auth plugin to manage step 3 and have a global user and isConnected variables like you would have with the OpenID plugin
I would have to check the Line documentation to confirm my assumptions
I’ve passed step 1, got a code (via JS)
At the second step I try to send an API call according to API docs of Line, but it don’t want to see a client_id. It looks like everything is fine in WeWeb.
Can you share the documentation you’re using ?
I think you’re passing it as query parameters but it probably expect them as body fields
But I dont understand why it ask you for client id and client secret if you dont have to enter it inside bubble, its probably another flow and not the one your currently looking at