Install matomo analytics on weweb

Hello everyone,

We are trying to install Matomo analytics on weweb, without success. Following exchanges with matomo support, it seems that the loading of the matomo tag manager is blocked by a service worker error:

Do you know how to fix this? Is this a bug on our side or on the weweb side?

Could you share how you added matomo and the details of the errors which could be related please ?

@Alexis First time i’d add matomo script to header of all pages in the weweb’s custom code section.

After, i added it in app load workflow usine satechange weweb embed tool
Seem that service worker error is due to my brave browser shield
But i have a lot of strange error related to matomo :

With a desktop browser, matomo only receives a pageview at page load, but not at page change.

happen here :

I disabled my blocker extension on my side and its working

@Alexis matomo container try to fetch some css files on, but there is errors. Do you know why ? (refer to my previous screenshot)

I don’t know sorry, the errors in your capture doesn’t show up on my side