[URGENT] WeWeb Service is down - 503 ERROR

Weweb service seems down, even the bug report page is in infinite refresh loop, js and css assets return 503 in production.

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It only happens on my recently deployed websites

Same here, I opened a ticket already, I’ve also already reported this to @Slavo and @Alexis on Twitter, but being weekend, it might be a problem.

I’ve actually reported this issue a few days ago, when the service was intermittedly dying, but there was no way to reproduce.

I encourage everyone experiencing this to open a ticket at support.weweb.io and select “My app is not working in production”. This way it might ring some bells fast.

@Marc @aurelie @Joyce @luka @Raphael @flo @Quentin sorry for the tag guys, but it’s an issue, it’s costing us money I hope you don’t mind me tagging you this time.

Edit 9:43: So far every project I checked seems to be affected by this issue, when you navigate to non cached parts of the site.


I have the same problem, just opened a support ticket as well.

9:48: Seems like the support.weweb.io, being a WeWeb app is also affected
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Same here…

I think if you open your other older sites in incognito, it will be also down, you’re probably seeing a cache.

Edit: I also took the freedom to edit the title a little, so that other members can find / identify the thread more easily, so that we don’t have duplicates.

Our home page is in WeWeb. It’s not looking good.

I also messaged @Mael on Crisp, but I’m afraid they’re having weekend, and this might take a while.

Same to us - 503 error and infinite redirects.(but what is interesting - not all the sites are affected. And for the one which is affected it works partially.)

Messaged everyone I could with no luck :frowning:

Does anyone have an idea what can be done? (except praying that WeWeb team is already fixing it and will get back to us here soon)

same here. my sites are down too.
we need fix asap please

It is because of the cache, if you open/refresh your site in the incognito mode or a different browser/device, it should be all down I think. I might be wrong though.

Same issue with my client sites. https://support.weweb.io/ is also stuck in a loop :neutral_face:

I notified the tech team of the disruption, we will update you all here as soon as we have more information


Thanks @luka, that’s some great news :slight_smile:

Same here. Everything has collapsed. Even a simple testing page with a few elements.

Hello everyone, quick message to let you know that the whole tech team is on it! I will keep you updated here.


Everything is back up! Apologize for the inconvenience, we will come back with explanation shortly.


Hey everyone, I confirm that everything is now back to normal, and that the issue is fixed.

As you probably know we did improvements on our infrastructure a couple of weeks ago, we were monitoring the performance of the new infrastructure and did an update yesterday to boost them, unfortunately, despite testing it, this update caused the outage. We fixed it and the problem will not happen any more.

Sorry for the inconvenience caused, if some of you suffered a material business consequence during the 3 hour outage feel free to reach out to me so we can figure out a way to help you with it.

Thanks for those who reported the problem promptly and for your support in this :heavy_heart_exclamation: