Input Select: Dynamic Options with Multiple Label field Values

Hey there,

Is it possible to have multiple values in the Label field of the Options while being dynamic? Currently, I can only enter one Label field value.


For now it’s not possible, I’ve already made a topic about this. What you can do is, prepare a combination of values you want to use within your data with some function and then bind it.


Thanks for the quick response! I’ll definitely explore the recommended method of preparing value combinations and binding them. Appreciate your help!

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I got the same issue. But how can I prepare a combination of values I want to use within my data with some function and then bind it? My Select element is bound to a collection (with filter) and I can only use collection items in both the Label field and the Value field. Functions or variables are not available.

You can create a formula that will transform your data and then plug that into the select)

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+1 this would be helpful

Hello Broberto,
I don’t know how to implement your suggestion. Could you make it more understandable with examples? Thank you.