Inability to use search/filter and pagination at the same time

Hello all, encountered such a problem that with some APIs it is impossible to use the filter together with pagination at the same time

Suppose my API gives data in the format (data, meta) where meta contains information for pagination
Снимок экрана 2023-05-17 в 02.27.02

In that case, I can’t select field in the filter settings (Dropdown doesn’t open)

I have determined that in order to select a field in the filter I need to specify the result.key in the api configuration

After that the fields in Filter appeared

BUT, because of result.key = data. I lost the meta that had the pagination information, and I can’t use it
Снимок экрана 2023-05-17 в 02.42.05

Please advise what to do in this case. I’m really stuck. :melting_face: