I have a select element. How to change what's in the label?

I Have the name of the playbook under “Label” - e.g. The Webinar Launch Playbook

What I want users to see is “The Webinar Launch Playbook (14 Days)”

But it’s not allowing me to bind name and location together as the label. How do I accomplish this, I want users to see both the name and duration of the playbook?

Hey @raelyn :wave:

To achieve this, you need to pre-format your data using a trigger on app load workflow.

Here’s the workflow:

In my iterator action (for loop), I bind my initial array.
And the only action in the loop is a: change variable → your new array → insert at end → And here you can modify your data thanks to binding.

Be careful, the keys to be used in the loop are contained in loop → item

You can then bind your select to your new formatted variable