How to reset input values (from components) through a nav bar which is an instance?

I have a minimum price and a maximum price which is a number input on my category page.

However, if the user navigates back to the same page they are on through the nav bar, the page doesn’t change so the input values don’t reset and the previous price restriction remains in place.

If I try add it to the header which is an instance, then the nav bar won’t work on any other page because in the reset variables - there would be 2 empty places for the minimum price - value and the maximum price - value which are values from components.

I don’t know if this could be an issue in the preview because it doesn’t redirect the user if they are already on the same page but I don’t know if this is something that would automatically happen when this is clicked in the published website. So, if someone could test and let me know - if a user clicks a button which redirects a user back to the same page in a published site would the input values reset.

Thank you in advance!

Could you make a video of the issue using a tool like Loom?