Is there a bug with tabs?

Is there a bug with the Tabs element? I built my app using the tabs element and everything is working perfectly. Each tab has a field that gets filled out. The database is updated when the modal holding the tabs element is closed.

Today, all of a sudden when I change the value in an input and change the tab, it deletes the inputs value.

Here’s whats happening. When I update the field in any given tab, the variable for that input is storing the value. When I navigate to a different tab, its remaining. Only when I return to that tab, it resets the inputs variable deleting the value.

I have no workflows running on any of the tabs so I know I havent set anything to update in between changing tabs.

This want happening at all over the last couple of weeks. Its incredibly frustrating to have built and tested an app 1 way, only to have to now make changes as to how the app saves to the database all of a sudden.

It makes me question Weweb a little when I build something 1 way, don’t touch it for a few days, and when I come back to that part of the app it doesnt work the way it used to…

Is your input init value binded to the variable storing the input value?

Hi, no the initial input was bound to the related collection item field. So it looks like when input elements in a tab are changed but not sent sent to the database, they remain when clicking to another tab, however returning to that tab it seems to reset the inputs.

I ended up just building my own tab component so that it doesn’t happen. With the Weweb Tabs component the upside is that you don’t have to create the design yourself, the downside is you have no control over the workflow that switches tabs.

For example, there is a continue and a back button on each tab by default, but you can’t force people to use them because they can click on the tab header div and switch that way, and there’s no way to disable it.

Got the same. Super annoying. Just removes the input. Lot of work to bind all these inputs to separate variables…