When the page loads I update the value of the relevant variables for the elements on the page (inputs and color picker).
When I navigate from the default tab to another tab and then navigate back to the default tab, it looks like the inputs and color picker are reset.
Would love to know why this is happening, and if there is a way for me to preserve these values so I don’t need to repopulate every time the tab is clicked.
Thanks in advance, and short video below showing the error
I can’t view your video for some reason. Could you upload it on a drive and share the link?
Not 100% sure I understood your use case but just checked the Tabs element on my side and it seemed to be working fine with its contents bound to variables. See my video here.
In looking at your video, one potentially important difference that I see is that I’m updating the input, while you are updating a variable. Apologies as I may have misled you in my original post - I am only referring to the inputs as variables as I am modifying it under the ‘Change variable value’ action. I’m not sure if, because it is an input and not a regular variable, this may be changing the behaviour.