When signing in with an email address, I am trying to extract more information from a JWT token than just the token.
I also hope to receive the userID and other user details with the token response. I have Xano sending the token and I have the ability to add more “extras” data to the token as shown below. I have ability to add any extra information there from what I see.
In Weweb, I can see the clean Token but it only has the authToken parameter available as shown below.
Am I right the extras information is embedded within the Token?
I am struggling to extract this “extras” JSON information as it should be embedded somewhere in the response?
Or I might just make a second call to Xano to receive the user details based on the Token, which also works fine. I was trying to remove one of these steps if possible.
It depends of the method used to encode the token. You can try to decode it on a online tool like this one and see if it contains the metadata you need => https://jwt.io/
I think we should add a formula or a workflow action to decode JWT tokens