Extract magic token from url

I am using Xano + Sendgrid for magic link for reset password flow. However, the one thing I am stuck at is extracting the token from url.

I am trying the same by setting url parameter from weweb and then using the value of same parameter.

But when I load the page with the token, it gives 404.

What I am able to understand is that token has characters which are not acceptable as parameters in weweb. This is resulting in 404 as the same page is loading if I put any random acceptable characters at the end of url.

I know there are few topics related to the same (one of the most relevant is below, but extracting token from parameter is not resolved in the same)

Can someone please help me here?

Hi @akshatgarg you are almost there.

You have a few things mixed up. Let me help you understand

The format for query parameters in url is as follow

{the base url}/{the page route}?{the name of the query param}={value of the param}

Now in your case the reason you are getting a 404 is because the page you want them to go looks like it is called


but the link you have generated is taking them to a page called


Which doesn’t exist in your project it will seem

So your link should be like this


Now on the update password page you should create a query parameter variable called ‘token’
That variable is the one that will store the token value

Thanks a lot, its working now. Glad you explained it in quite a detail.