How do I create an object from a list of data with specific values that I needed only?

Hi there! Can anyone help me?

I would like to know how can I get a list of data with only items that I needed?
To understand my question, I made a loom video below :pray:t3:

Thank you in advance!

Hi @denisedaley :wave:

Thanks so much for taking the time to record a video!! Really appreciate it :slight_smile:

So it seems Xano is sending you more data than you need. For the task array you mention in your video, when you configure your Add-On in Xano, you could change the output in Xano so that it only returns the client_name information you need.

Does that make sense?

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Yeah, as @Joyce said, this would better be done on Xano side, of course you could filter it in WeWeb, but it would be easier to get the data formatted from Xano already, it’s also more secure :slight_smile:

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Hi @Joyce & @Broberto!

Thank you guys for the help! It really is much better to let Xano return the specific information I needed.

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