History of formulas and workflow, with ability to rollback

Is this planned? I broke several workflows inadvertently and couldn’t cmd+z. :confused:

Having an history is a must-have for confidence.
Right now, I’m copy/pasting all my big formulas into a GitHub repository because I’m more confident by doing so, but it’s not something that should be necessary.

I couldn’t find this feature request on https://feedback.weweb.io/, that surprised me a bit.
It seems so important to me, am I alone? :sweat_smile:


i second this motion!

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This is a must for sure!


Absolutely agree! Same for me, so dangerous. Accidentally deleted section which was relinked somewhere else and had to build all from scratch.

We need EDITOR BACKUPS and Ive requested that feature some time ago.

Looks like roadmap doesn’t show all requests, but just features selected for development or so.


Hey everybody :wave:

We’re working on showing you logs of what was updated in your app as we speak. ETA is probably Q3 this year.

It won’t be rollbacks though, as it’s slightly harder to do on our side. But that can be edged by using staging environments in the meantime :wink:

To CMD+Z with workflows, you need to exit them before CMD+Z. I know it’s not perfect, we’re working on a fix.