Recent changes to formulas-in-javascript behavior - `formulas.my_formula()`is no longer recognized

I rarely use the low-code formula functionality when binding data, or creating a step in a workflow.
Instead, I use javascript, and I use javascript when I create formulas.

Often, these formulas (they are really functions) contain calls to other formulas, using the formulas.my_formula_name(...).
Using the formulas[<random uuid>](...) is a terrible developer experience and I have a hard time keeping things straight.

This has worked well for the past few months. I recently ran into an issue using wwLib.executeWorkflow(...) where the page was being built without importing the relevant workflow, and @aurelie told me that a workaround was to just put a comment in the page with the workflow’s uuid

Up until a few days ago, I didn’t have to do this with formulae - it seemed that all of the formulae were imported, by default, even if I called them via formulas.formula_name(...)

I have 216 unique formulae, making for thousands of instances (across 35+ pages) where I need to go in and insert a comment with the formula_uuid :-[

Is there a more streamlined or intelligent approach than this? Fixing all of them is a nightmare.

Also, if and when changes like this are being rolled out, it would be nice if WeWeb users were notified (in advance when possible, but I’ll settle for a heads up at the time of deployment)

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Mmmm this is a bug. Just opened the ticket so we can sort this out for you. Sorry about this!

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Thanks for looking into this