Greeting! I am Alan Spurlock, Founder and Sr Software Engineer at Sipharmony

I found this by googling “vue website builder”!

I love the idea and can’t wait to get my hands on it!

I am an expert with Vue (and anything with it vue-router, vuex…), and Node!
I am also an expert with twilio and all their api’s, SIP stack, and WebRTC.

My preferred stack is

Can’t wait to start!

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Hi Alan,

We started to onboard many of you from the waiting list.
I can’t wait to see what you will build.

See you soon.

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HI @AlanGreyjoy , happy to see an other Vue lover :).

If you want to talk more about developing custom element (Vue) for WeWeb, feel free to ping me, I am the one who can help you :slight_smile:

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