Google Oauth Error 400 redirect URI mismsath / supabase / google cloud platform

Hey folks,

Here’s the rundown. I recently updated the custom domain of my supabase so that users would see a cleaner link on google oauth signup than the supabase tinylink. The new custom url is now active. I’ve added that url to my authorized redirect URIs and authorized javascript origins in my google cloud platform.

I’m still getting the attached error when I go to do google oauth. This might be something I need to adjust in weweb though? Assuming that I need to update the project url to the new custom url in the Supabase plugin, it doesn’t seem to let me update. so a. is that what is causing the error 400 and b. if so, how do I get it to udpate?

thanks a ton for any help here

update! Solved.

For anyone else who runs into this down the line:

On that same screenshot from my original post, I clicked into the error details. They provide a link that you need to go and add to your authorized redirect URIs in google auth platform–>clients. And I kept messing htis part up, you have to parse from what they give you into this format https://[domain].com/[this part until the google thing says ‘flowname (or something like that)’]

Hope this is helpful to someone down the line