[Bug] 404 on a Custom Domain with Restricted Access to Authenticated only

I’m having some strange issue, where after setting up the domain, it worked for a few hours, and then it died on me after the latest publish. I even tried to go again through the process of setting up a different domain (dashboard → dash), yet it seems, like WeWeb just returns 404 no matter what.

Everything is set-up as @Joyce and the docs, state, so I’m wondering, did I miss something?

The DNS propagation tool WeWeb suggests seems to give me positive results also.

I’d understand if it wouldn’t work at all, I’d blame DNS propagation, but this seems like it worked, and then something happened after publishing the page, making it not work at all. It seems like the thing resolves, but there is nothing on the WeWeb’s side (404)?

Edit: It seems like I get 404 on every page, that is not my “Debug” page, which loads. That’s like hella weird :smiley:

Edit 2: I found the issue… For some reason, when I set my page’s restricted Access to “Authenticated users only” this error happens. This might actually be a bug of some sort.

It turned out, it was because I had not set my redirect URL properly in the settings (I deleted the page it was previously set to) and I forgot to set it.

Now I’m facing a different issue though. When I log in with Supabase and redirect, it just throws me back to the login page, even though the loader is going and it seems like I navigate to that page. It seems though, like as if it doesn’t get the session.

It works in the editor, but doesn’t work in the Production App. @Alexis, any idea why this could be happening? I’m using Supabase Auth and never had this issue before.

For now I switched to the App Load workflow to check, but I’d rather use the built in feature of WeWeb, as it eliminates the flickering of the page while it’s loading and checking the session.

This is how the workflow looks.
Screenshot 2023-12-12 at 12.33.35

The page is set up to “Authenticated users only”.

The network tab gives 401 - Unauthorized.
Screenshot 2023-12-12 at 12.43.42

Maybe check the state of isAuthenticated between the login and the redirect action, does the isAuthenticated variable is true ?

Does the 401 request contain the relevant cookie (something containing the auth token) ?

This bug happens when I use native WeWeb’s Auth check. When I use is authenticated and a redirect workflow it works :slight_smile:

I know, I’m asking for more relevant information about the bug

isAuthenticated value before the change page and cookies sent with the page request