Unable to set 0Auth with Supabase within the editor?

Hello, I’m trying to set up the Supabase Auth with Google 0Auth via the Google Console, but upon redirect, I always get the Error 400: redirect_uri_mismatch, has anybody had any success setting this up?

EDIT: I managed to make it work, but now I’m getting
… c142d5a0-6942-4ebe-aa50-61eb370b6407?error=server_error&error_description=Unable+to+exchange+external+code%3A+4%2F0AbUR2VM6Kidr472e3N06wJwgAHHL8aYAZhP_CeH2p9cbt-eAb0TDeS4u9zZMglY0W8NEqg

Unable to exchange external code upon redirect from the Auth Page and succesful login. The Supabase auth says logged in false.

It seems like an error on Supabase side. Did you check their docs for this specific error?

It happen when you set an incorrect allowed URL redirect on google side

It was probably something on the Google Side, in fact after I redid the setup from scratch, it ended up working. It was either an issue with Googles API keys or as @Alexis mentioned, something with the URLs.
For anybody wondering, I’m attaching some resources that helped me to setup the Google Auth, as it is not mapped yet in the Docs for Google specifically