Global variable custom JS


Stupid question. I have a file upload workflow is custom JS action that is creating a new object:

var cInstance = new Cro(imgContainer, {
viewport: { width: 200, height: 200, type: “square” },
boundary: { width: 400, height: 400 },
enableResize: true,

Then I have a Button and I’m trying to use OnClick workflow with the following custom code:

cInstance.result(‘canvas’).then(function (result) {
// some code

I’m getting message: “cInstance is not defined” when clicking the button.

How can I make my cInstance available to the JS under the button Onclick workflow?


Can you post image of your workflow and the codes in there

File upload workflow

Button workflow

After clicking Crop button

How are you loading croppieInstance?

It is a croppie npm loaded and there is a loading script added to the page custom code. Other than this is the code that you see on the screenshots.

Another, simpler example.
I have a text element, OnClick creates a variable with props of that element:

I have a button with OnClick workflow that changes the text (using the variable from above):

I get the error:

btw: when I do the same from the webrowser’s console it works fine:

So, the real question is, how can I make my custom js variable global so that I can refer to it from everywhere?

Code blocks don’t communicate with the “outside world” you either need to save it via Change Variable Value in a variable (object) as a reference. To use croppie, you should see an NPM variable in your variables - you should use that, otherwise it’s not imported correctly.

Yep, you’re right. I have used the NPM variable and it works.
Thanks for your help!