Question about undefined javascript variable (using external library)

Hi there,

I was fiddling around with frappe gantt.

I got it working on staging using the CDN in the custom code headers. I intitialize frappe gantt using a workflow on page load with custom javascript action.

I also managed to setup the event handlers taskClick, dateChange, progress change, logging stuff to the console log as a starting point.

I added buttons for view change, but somehow that is not working. When I use: gantt.change_view_mode(‘Week’) I get the error, that ‘gantt’ is not defined. But in the on page load workflow I do define ‘gantt’ using this: const gantt = new Gantt(“#gantt”, tasks)

How can I have ‘gantt’ available for view change?

FYI: I will try to use var instead of const. Maybe that will help.

You need to hook it to the window, because the const you define is local to that code block. Check this out.

I explain how I import a JS SDK for Firebase. I also hook stuff to the window there.

@Broberto thanks. I am not a coder. I tried something but I get _window is not defined. How can I hook the following correctly to the window?

const gantt = new Gantt(“#gantt”, tasks)

You need to access the window by using this:

const = _window = wwLib.getFrontWindow()

Then you can do _window.gantt = … gant setup here

Then in your js action, you need to again do

const = _window = wwLib.getFrontWindow()
and then you can use _window.gantt … rest of the actions.

If you’re still stuck, then probably you’ll need to look up some JS tutorial, or I also do sessions (Consult with Broberto – Broberto)

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@Broberto [quote=“Broberto, post:4, topic:15261, full:true”]
You need to access the window by using this:

const = _window = wwLib.getFrontWindow()

Then you can do _window.gantt = … gant setup here


Thanks. I will try this. I have some colleagues with javascript experience.

Last question I hope you are able to answer. The part in the quote above. Should this be placed in the custom code section of Weweb or can I use this in an workflow (Javascript Action).

You need to “hook the gantt to the window” wherever you’re importing it. I hope that makes sense. If you send my blog to the JS colleague, he should know, it’s a basic setup.

Thanks I will ask my colleague :slight_smile:

On the page I have a workflow: onAppLoad(before fetching collections)

In this workflow there is one javascript action. In this action I added the added the state change embed script for the js library and css.

After that I added the script to intitialize the Gantt and hook it to the front Window.

The Gantt renders ok.

On the page I added two button to change view via a worlflowd: but still when I do: _window.gantt.change_view_mode(‘Week’), I still get: _window is undefined.

Hard to tell without seeing it. Probably you’re not defining the const _window= wwLib… in the JS block

@Broberto It is working now :love_you_gesture:. I had a typo in the change view mode script

I used: gantt.changeViewMode(‘Week’);

But I needed to use: gantt.change_view_mode(‘Week’);

Thanks for sharing you Insights

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Hi did follow these guildlines and find the following to work for me:

Here is the first script that hooks the variables to the window (saving 2 variables)
const _window = wwLib.getFrontWindow();
_window.stripe = stripe;
_window.elements = elements;

Then in my second script that needs to refer to the variables again:
const myStripe = wwLib.getFrontWindow().stripe;
const elements = wwLib.getFrontWindow().elements;

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