I’m trying to modify the map component so that I can pass in a default map location and then when the map bounds change, i expose those box coordinates and then re-trigger the API with the new coordinates (to obtain markers in the new location).
It works when I pass in the values of the coordinates but I tried setting up a variable but using variables[‘UID’] doesn’t pass into the javascript for the database call.
I think i have the component working properly but when I move, the map goes back to the default location set by the initial API call. I guess maybe a workaround is the initial API call with the static values, and then with the On Bounds Change event I expose, I use custom javascript to send another API call and that should allow variables , but I think that won’t work since the first API call will always re-run. Happy to hear suggestions
There is a variable that I need to use in custom javascript that is created created in the built-in functionality of weweb. When I try to insert custom code in an action with javascript and try to insert my variable, it is inserted as “variables[/* VariableName */‘31426b48-4a32-4925-8bb2-a23027426dd6’]” into the code editor. Is this the expected behavior. Is there a simple way to echo or display this variable’s value in the editor to doublecheck it’s working as I expect it to?
You can check the value of all your variables in the editor. If the js is in a bound visual element, it you can log the value to the console after calling it and storing it to a local variable or calling it directly in console.log()
If it’s a workflow, it’s a bit more of a pain in the ass but again you can view its value in the editor. After a while you’ll trust that it’s accurately displaying variable values.