First publish! BUT - Authentication roles are not available in your current plan :(

Howdy y’all. Well it’s a big day, we are ready to publish our project for the first time. I just upgraded to the Starter plan and am attempting to publish but am getting the below error. It’s not clear to me what is triggering this error and what I have to do to get around it (without making the BIG jump from $49 Starter plan to $179 Scale plan).



Heyy, could you describe the issue we’re trying to solve here?

Hey @Broberto I’m trying to understand what is causing that Project Upgrade dialog to appear, which in turn is preventing me from publishing. What exactly are “authentication roles”?

I think you can’t use anything else other than ‘authenticated’ or ‘not authenticated’

For example you can’t have a page that is for admins only, gotta go one big round and use Xano roles for that

Yeah I thought it was that thanks @raelyn but I removed the page-level user-role controls and just left authenticated, and yet I’m still getting this error. This is how all my pages are now set:

You all just need to manage the role based stuff yourself. It won’t be as kind but it’ll probably suffice till your project makes enough money to scale.

You should use roles on the backend too and this way even if a user lands on an “admin” page, they can’t actually modify data cause they’re not an admin. This is completely separate from using weweb with roles.

The way I have implemented roles is with a role field in the User table in Xano. This is returned to WeWeb when the user logs in. I then check that when the user logs in and route them to one page or another. That’s all. I can’t see how that is triggering any WeWeb roles behavior?

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@Joyce or @Quentin any help with this one please? We are trying to publish today if we can. Thanks!

Hi @Dorian :wave:

Can you try leaving this empty when you set up the Xano Auth plugin:

And also make sure the user tab doesn’t have any roles or user groups defined as well:

Otherwise, WeWeb things you are using roles and permissions and will ask you to upgrade to a scale plan.

Hi @Joyce. I removed all that and yet the publishing fails. I am no longer getting the error modal, the publishing just fails without explanation and the publish button turns red. I am chatting with Slavo through support too but he isn’t responding now…

It might be some errors from custom code, or wrong formulas. I’d suggest you check out the console for errors.

Thanks @Broberto. The browser console?

Yes Yes, that one

I see all these in the Issues tab. I need to fix them all before the publish will work?


You want to look at the console tab, issues are mostly harmless.

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I see all this… help!

This actually seems like it’s okay, the now() formula you might be using might be the issue, you might want to check calendars/timers for now() as a init value or smth. Other than that it seems okay actually. Also the Audio Context is not an usual one I think.

Hi @Dorian :wave:

FYI, I am looking into it now. Will keep you posted.

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Thanks @Joyce!!!

No worries, can you jump on the support chat real quick?