Editor extremely slow

Just wanted to check if I’m the only one currently experiencing extremely slow performances from the WW editor, even after clearing browsing data?

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Not just you! I’ve been struggling with it the last couple of days, where it was all perfectly fine before.

I noticed in the browser console that out of nowhere (every 5-10 mins) that errors are firing on my mouse movement of all things! I’m not doing anything to do with mouse tracking. Refreshing the browser fixed it temporarily.

I then noticed the network requests were also firing a lot over to posthog.com and I know they run something called sessions replays… which tracks mouse movement!

I’ve just enabled a couple of ad blockers to stop it connecting and so far, so good…

Also, clearing the debug log can also help as when that’s open it gets a bit slower.

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@what.gift Thanks for your reply. What ad blocker did you use and how do you prevent the connection?

I also have this problem at the moment! 4gb ram consumption in the editor

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@Joyce Can you see what’s going on, please?

Is this the new normal for WeWeb? … Editor crashes every 5 minutes? This is extremely frustrating! Using Brave Browser. @Joyce @flo

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Hey there :wave: Sorry I didn’t see your messages sooner.

We’re aware of the editor slowing down recently and consuming too much memory from browsers. We discussed it this week during Office Hours. The tech team has been working on optimizations for the past couple of weeks. We should be in a position to release those soon.

In the meantime, we removed Posthog (thanks for the tip @what.gift!) as a quick fix.


New record (for me) today!

7,2 gb


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Yesterday and today, I experience complete crashes of the editor when using formulas, whether in WW format or javascript (when your browser alerts that the page is not responding and asks you if you want to wait or exit the page).

Here’s what I’m pasting in the formula field:

return "<i class='far fa-eye'></i> If you think something is missing, please <a onclick='"+wwLib.executeWorkflow('80e3bd5e-2a4d-4376-be08-6435e0b83343')+"'>let us know</a>."

:warning: Even more interesting, when the crash happens (which is every single time), I get signed out of my Weweb account.

I cannot work anymore.

Any update on the status? Continuously crashing at 6GB memory usage.

Hi @Luke :wave:

Could you create a support ticket here showing when / how this happens?

Huge performance improvements were pushed to production a couple of weeks ago but perhaps your specific use case can help the team identify other avenues of improvements.

Hi @Joyce ! Thanks for the info. It has normalized since yesterday. Will file bug if it happens again!

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I’ve noticed a marked slow-down since I installed the PWA Plugin. I’m hoping to be able to uninstall it soon because it really does seem to be causing problems.

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Ah ok, thanks for the info, Kyan! We’ll look in that direction as well.

I’m seeing quite big improvements at my side. Before update I would normally be at 5-7 gb after 1 hours + of working in the editor back and forth. Now I mostly end up around 3-4 gb.

Still a lot, but I don’t have the problem of editor crashing anymore.

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