Dynamic Xano collections not auto-refreshed on page load

I have two Xano dynamic collections displayed in two separate datagrids on the same page. Neither of the collections is up-to-date on page load. I have to click the ‘Reload data’ button at the top of the page in order to refresh the display of the collections. What am I doing wrong? See Loom for details.


Did you deactivate this option on your collections?
CleanShot 2023-05-15 at 11.25.21

If so, you’ll need to fetch them yourselves using on page load workflows.

Hi @Quentin, no I have that option enabled on both collections. Could it have anything to do with the level at which I am binding the datagrid? I’ve tried different levels but it doesn’t help.

I added an ‘On page load’ workflow with ‘fetch collections in parallel’ action and that has fixed it, but still curious why they won’t load without that?