Download CSV with special characters

I am trying do use the action “Download CSV” to create a CSV. The issue that I am having is that data is multi-language, so it can occur in multiple different special characters that when file is downloaded, they don’t keep the format (format de/encoding issues I assume).

Polish: “Szkoła” comes in the CSV as: SzkoÅ.

How to keep the same format when downloading into CSV? Thank you very much.

Hi @WeeeeeWeb

Which program are you using to open the CSV file? Excel? Have you tried adding a BOM character (\ufeff) to your array?

Using regular Excel. If I open the file normally, it does not open well. If I use the “Get CSV” within excel, it works properly.

I didn’t try that yet. I did try to enforce the encoding to UTF-8 from the xano output.