CSV download with " quotes in data

Wondering if anyone’s got an easy workaround for this. I’m using the download CSV action.

I’m working with eCommerce data, one of my fields is a variant title. I’m finding that if that field value contains a “, such as 50” x 60" (to designate inches), the CSV downloader has trouble interpreting it (screenshot below).

Hi @clncsports :wave:

Apologies for the late reply. This is a bug. The team is on it to fix it :slight_smile:

Hi @clncsports :wave: This should be fixed now. Can you let us know if it works ok for you?

Hi @Joyce any way to choose the file encoding and fileds separte when I’m using the download CSV action? thank

Hi @wysouf :wave:

It’s not possible at the moment but please don’t hesitate to make the feature request here.

Is this a blocker for your project?

@Joyce the file I download in CSV format has a ‘,’ separator, which makes it unstructured. It needs to be converted. I have never tried importing a JavaScript library, specifically Excel, on Weweb before. I don’t see any other way to do it.

Aaaah ok sorry, I didn’t understand your initial need.

I’d like to share your use case with the team. Would you mind sending me a DM with the link to your project and the page where we can download a file in CSV format so we can test on our side?

If the app is behind an authentication, it would be great if you could create test credentials for us so we can try it out.
