Display card information on sidebar modal

I’m trying to display candidate cards information on a modal, but i think that i’m lost trying to bind collection. Maybe i’m doing it wrong, any help needed !

Here is a video of what i want to do : Bird Eats Bug

When clicking “voir le profil” i want to display all information about the candidate.
All informations are on my xano database.

Can anyone help ? :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot, and sorry, i need to learn more :sweat_smile:

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Hey Kevin,

Try save the item.data to a variable (when clicking the button). Then bind the sidebar information to the info from the variable.
Then clear the variable value when closing the sidebar.


This is what I would do :arrow_up: :arrow_up: :arrow_up:


Thanks a lot for your help! :smiley:

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Could you break this process down for a noob?
I’m trying to do something similar except in my case, I’m selecting an item in a datagrid.

I’ve created a variable with a type text and when the item is selected run a Workflow to change the variable to match the item in the datagrid.
Although, I’m not sure whether I’m doing it right as this doesn’t seem to be doing anything

Hey Rory,
Your “Cred_datagrid - selectedRows” is an array and is empty currently from what I can tell.
is it normally an array of objects?
If so then you’d need to specify which object to save the “active_cred” variable.

Using array indexing… like “Cred_datagrid - selectedRows[0]”

hope that helps

Thanks @Cedric, I’m fetching data from Xano and populating it into a table.
I was creating a workflow for when a row is clicked, the sidebar modal would show and the active row would populate the sidebar. I can’t understand why it’s showing up as empty.

When I go to the Workflow, it doesn’t give me an option to select any of the data.
I tried your suggestion but it didn’t work for me.

I’m not really familiar with the datagrid as I use custom build tables. So can’t really help without looking at it.

Have you tried binding the grid to the collection “Credentials.data” ?

If you want to see the item.data, you’d need to apply the workflow to the child element of the array. Like at a row level. Not to the Datagrid… if that makes sense

No worries, thanks for your help.

BTW: I just realised that the “selectedRows” relates to the rows where a checkbox is selected.

If I select the checkbox and then click on any row, it’ll show the sidebar and pass through the information for the checked row.


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