Collection items to display in a modal/popup

Hi, I am desperately trying to show selected items from a collection into a modal/popup that will be displayed on the same page as the collection list (I do not want the user to be redirected to a new page to see the selected items for the collection list).

Using a workflow (true/false) I managed to open the modal when the item on the collection list is clicked but I can’t get the specific value from the item I clicked into the modal/popup :frowning:

Please help!

Hey @miang :wave:

The easiest way would be to store the content of the selected item inside an object variable, and then use this variable as the base to bind elements in your popup.

Typically, you would update this variable right after the user clicked on a collection item, and just before opening the modal (in the same on click workflow).

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Great. What should be the default value of that object variable? Thank you Quentin.

after I created the new variable, should I use ‘Change variable value’ or ‘Return a value’ in the on click workflow?

All good! I managed to make it work :slight_smile: Thank you!

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