Custom implementation of Sidemenu and Container section

Hi there,

I want to create a custom version of the Sidemenu and Container section setup. In this way I can make the sidemenu section a linked section over multiple pages.

When using the default section element sidemenu and container, the section are aligned horizontally over the full height of the page.

But wen I try to add just default sections elements manually to act as side menu and content section, these get stacked vertically.

I can also take a different approach. Add one default section element (horizontal alignment). Place a div for the sidemenu and place a div for the content.

But then I loose the linked section functionality for only the side menu. To solve this I can create a component of the sidemenu and use that as a “linked” element.

a) Is it even possible to align multiple sections horizontally, using the standard Weweb section element?
b) Is creating a menu component the best alternative for the linke section functionality?

Thanks for al the insights.

It is possible but it requires custom CSS to force the sections horizontally aligned.

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