Side menu - outdated layout components and docs?

Hi !

I feel like the pre-made components used for the side menu, content and header are outdated and not working properly.

If you follow documentation and weweb academy :

  1. There are no ‘header’ component anymore in the pre-made components
  2. Responsive design is not working out of the box. Variables aren’t being assigned properly and causing a bunch of bugs (simply not working on tablet and phone).
  3. There is an overlap between the side menu and the content part of the design.

I opened a bug ticket but in the mean time I was wondering is anyone had any kind of input or knowledge of this.

Also, what are the best practices in weweb for side menu layout ? I feel like the best practices depend on weweb pre-made stuff which is very limited in matters of design and customization.


Some Update here for people encountering bugs with side menu :

Something I just came to understand is the usage of multipage sections. This is not trivial nor intuitive for people who aren’t already used to Single Page Application (SPA) design. I think it should be better integrated within the weweb UI.

That being said, you can’t simply create new side bar for each of your pages if you want them to function properly. You have to reuse the same instance. This is actually well thought out once you understand it.

I feel like the ‘header’ component for the weweb tutorials is still non existent in the Ui toolkit / weweb library.

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Thank you for your feedback! The team is excited with the new releases coming soon. Please keep an eye out for the upcoming releases.

Hopefully we’ll be able to share more details very soon! :grin:

Header element was removed from the toolkit to simplify the layout, you can use the same Content element to achieve what the Header did, it doesn’t hold any special code

That’s what I did, thanks :wink:

That is great news… Any planned date on that new release ? Spring, summer, winter ? :wink:
Thanks .