Are layouts different from normal sections?

I’m trying to make multi-page sections with sidemenu and navbar. I wanted to create it myself without using the ready-made sidemenu, but I couldn’t stack the sections on top of each other because the position “absolute” couldn’t be selected for normal sections. Then, when I used the ready-made layout sidemenu, I was able to do it because it came with a different specific screen like this:

Screenshot 2024-04-14 at 23.04.26

My question is, Is this a good practice? Or is there a better way to achieve this?

Some sections have these custom settings, but not all. If you use a normal section you can use position absolute to build it yourself

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hey @luka
on a normal section i don’t have the possibility to set it to absolute. only normal and sticky is selectable:
Bildschirmfoto 2024-06-20 um 14.40.54

do i need to set it in custom CSS?

Yes it’s possible. In order to create a custom side bar (reusable or not) you’re going to have to start with a section as every parent object in Weweb is a section, but, this will only serves as a “container” - this section can be 0px * 0px. Your real sidebar will be a div that you’ll place within that section and that could be positioned absolute or fixed. You’re going to have to give this sidebar a fix width (in pixels) and a height of 100vh. It could also be positioned top: 0, left: 0, bottom: 0. By using that technique, you will be able to customize the sidebar (div) as you wish, and reuse the section (parent - which contains the div) in multi-pages.