Creating sitemap for Dynamic collection page manually and submit to Google directly. Is it possible?

  1. For dynamic collection pages, those pages will not be included in the sitemap Weweb generates.
  2. The sitemap Weweb generates can’t be edited manually as well
  3. There is a limitation in Static collection pages so I need to use Dynamic collection pages and they have to be in sitemap to be indexed well by Google

So I am thinking of manually making the sitemap for Dynamic collection page separately from the siteap Weweb creates automatically and submit to Google directly through Google search console.

Does this work? Has anyone tried this?

Hi @Jay12 :wave:

Haven’t tried it but worth a shot!

Maybe if you export the code of your WeWeb app, you can edit the sitemap that’s created automatically and save a little bit of time.

One thing’s for sure: we are working on something big to make this easier for you in the future :slight_smile: We just released a proof of concept today which we are testing with a big no-code agency that has a number of projects with very strong SEO requirements.

It’s too early to estimate when it will be available to everyone but it’s definitely something that is top of mind.

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That is great news! Thank you for sharing that.
yeah I think many people would be desperate for SEO related features including this sitemap thing and Dynamic SEO…
Will keep an eye on the announcement!

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@Joyce : we are starting this week a new project in WeWeb with strong SEO requirements. Static collections aren’t an option since data is added by the public and need to be published immediately. Can we also apply for this upcoming SEO for dynamic collections? :slight_smile:

You can do a sitemap, but it will be useless, because when a bot comes there, unless your pages are static collections and prerendered, the google crawler bot will most probably see a blank page, as WeWeb generates Vue.js Apps and that’s how they work.

So actually having your pages indexed and crawled might hurt your SEO rankings, because it will be empty pages. This whole SEO thing indeed is not a thing of Google Bots not finding the URLs (which you would fix with a sitemap) but it actually is a thing of Google Crawler Bots finding empty pages.

Mmm don’t think this is still true @Broberto.

I agree pages with pre-rendered content will beat pages without pre-rendering in the sense that you might rank faster (on first bot visit) but search engines have largely evolved in the past few years to better handle JS content as more and more websites are built with JS frameworks like React or Vue.

The bot will know to come back for a second visit to parse the JS content that was not rendered on the initial visit.

Here are Google’s thoughts on the topic:

Hi @HansConings :wave:

I’ve shared your name with @Slavo who is leading this small alpha testing phase. Feel free to send him more information about your project. He’ll decide if it’s a good fit or not because we’re still very much in the early stages of this feature so we want to keep it very small for now.

I’m down to learn about these new ways) I’m all oldschool SEO dude :smiley: Thanks for some fresh news <3

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It’s a while ago… @Joyce what was the conclusion?
How should we handle dynamic pages for the sitemap?