Create mouse hover info popup

I am attempting to create little info popups when a user mouses over a column header on my page. Is there a widget that I could leverage to do something like this? I’ve poked through the UI for some time and haven’t found much. Similar to when a site has a little info “i” on a page you can hover over to define something. Any help is appreciated.

Hi @mdpentest :wave:

You could add an icon with the little i for info if you’d like:

When the user hovers over it, you could display a tooltip:

Does that help?

This is perfect. What would the workflow logic look like?
“On mouse enter” > set view variable to “True”
“On mouse leave” > set view variable to “False”?

Or what is the recommended approach you have pictured here?

Thanks for your help

I am also trying to get the text element to float above the rest of the page, so it is simply a bubble that appears on the top level, and then disappears without changing any of the page layout visually