Create a booking widget for external website in weweb

I’m working on a booking platform for different services and one nice feature would be, that users who offer those services can also integrate the same booking widget into their own website (by using an iframe or similar). I tought it may be possible by creating a normal weweb component, which has some props like user ID etc. to identify which exact widget should be displayed. But then it would be necessary to host the code for this widget externally? Or is it possible to create a wrapper that loads only a specific component?
Is this in any way feasible or is it necessary to create custom component for this?
Thanks a lot

Hi @jayjay13 :wave:

I’m not sure I understand. You would have one web-app (the booking platform) built in WeWeb that’s kind of a marketplace where some users can offer their services and other users can buy those services. Is that correct?

And you would want to make the booking feature you develop in the app available to… who? Other WeWeb developers? Anyone with a website?

We have quite a few users who built a web-app feature in WeWeb (e.g. a real estate valuation calculator) and embed them in a Wordpress or Webflow website through an iframe. Is that what you have in mind?

In that case, you would need to send them the code snippet or make it available to copy after they purchase it from you for example.

Does that answer your question? I feel like not really but not quite sure I understood the use case completely so don’t hesitate to let me know! :sweat_smile:

Hi @Joyce

Thank you very much for your feedback!

Yes, this is basically the idea. But the services that can be offered are predefined (probably not very relevant for my question).

The feature should be available to the users that offer those services, so that they can also integrate the booking widget on their page. (similar to a calendly etc…).

Ok sounds good, but just to clarify, then I “just” would need to create a new public page that has some parameters and which only contains the booking widget? To make this then available to users, they would just have a way to copy/paste an iframe snippet, which then points to this new page with the parameters. Correct?