Change parameters labels of rich text module

Hi, is it possible to change the label of the rich text editor? Where you choose the text type (Paragraph, Header 1, Header 2,…) I want to display fewer options with different text.

daniel j

Hi there!
I believe this may work, but let me know:

Otherwise, I created a custom VueJS component for the rich text editor that I think you’ll find more straightforward though I’m early in the build process. I’m looking to sell it in the marketplace in the near future, but if you’d like Daniel, I can resell it to you and get your feedback.

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Thanks. Switching to Custom Menu On, was the right tipp. :+1:

I managed to change the element names, but as i switched to “custom menu”, all the functionality in the background is lost. i get errors, when assigning the tags via the input select. Is there a way to get the workflows for the action when tagging a text as Paragraph or Headline, and so on?

Here is a video, of what i mean.
