How does "Custom menu" work in rich text element?

Hey guys! Was wondering how the “Custom Menu” option on the rich text input element works - couldn’t find any documentation on it

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Hi @neelsarode :wave:

Good catch! It’s a new feature of the rich text element :slight_smile:

It allows you design your own header:

Then you can use the Execute component action to trigger the behavior you want:

Here’s what it looks like in action with the Toggle Bold, Toggle Italic, and Toggle Underline actions:

CleanShot 2023-10-11 at 09.29.20

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Oh nice i see instantly a usecase for a code snippet component

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Hi :slight_smile:

How would you implement a rich text editor with custom actions inside a collection? Currently, when dynamically generating a list of rich text elements with custom actions, the actions fail to target the correct instance.

Thank you !