Can't find delete button for certain elements

Hi, new to WeWeb - really enjoying it so far!

I’m having some trouble finding a way to delete certain elements in the editor. They appear in the Navigator but I can’t see them on the page. When I hover over them in the editor, there is no highlighted element.

It would be really useful if elements could be deleted directly in the Navigator or the right-hand sidebar. For now, I don’t know what to do! Is there something I’m missing? Thanks!

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Hi @lapmir :wave:

Ah yes, the elements inside complex components like the DataGrid or the Multi-select can’t be deleted from the Navigator.

For this type of components, you can control what is displayed on the page in the specific settings of the element.

In the DataGrid for example, we can choose to enable or disable selection and inline editing:

CleanShot 2023-06-22 at 04.36.47

We’re working on tutorials to explain how to use the Data Grid and Multi-select element. They should be out in early July. In the meantime, here’s the tutorial on how to use the Select element which is another element that is edited through its specific settings.

Does that help?

PS: I’ll share your feedback with the product team because maybe there’s something we can do to make it clearer which elements are part of a more complex element and can’t be deleted from the navigator.

Yes, that works. Thanks @Joyce !

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