How to add a confirmation for delete icon in Data Grid?

I am using the standard Data grid for my data table. There is a standard delete icon in the element to allow user to delete row data. However, the row data is deleted once this icon is click. How could I add a secondary confirmation delete button similarly like the validate button for edit icon?

I had tried using the Table element but had difficulties setting it up for row edit. I had watched the tutorial from Weweb academy but it is for air table but could not find any tutorial related to Xano.

Thanks in advance. I am a beginner in no-code app and just switch from after trying for 2 months. Hopefully, I could achieve something from Weweb.

@edwintan On the Datagrid, there will be a workflow to delete the record. You can edit the workflow to open a modal and store the value of the selected row in a variable. When the user clicks on confirm in the modal, replicate the workflow that deletes the row.

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