Blurry elements

Hey !
I have some troubles with some elements that appears blurry depending on the size on the screen and on which device i watch in editor and preview mode.
Text, div and picture are concerned (i cant post pictures as im new on the community)

Capture d'écran 2023-07-04 141242

Capture d'écran 2023-07-04 141305

It is a WeWeb only issue that i observed too, quite annoying, seems like editor has an auto zoom function that is not working properly.

Mmm I’ve personally never seen this before but will create a ticket to share with the product team. Could you both send me a link to the project where you see this in a direct message?

Just to clarify: this is in the editing and in preview mode inside the WeWeb editor but doesn’t affect the live application, is that correct?

Seems like todays update fixed it to a degree… Whenever you shrink the screen/browser window, page content shrinks and used to get blurry.

Added a screenshot of the my screen, as you can see the Brand/retailer text on top is quite blurry compared to rest of the page elements. This is not as bad as it used to be… Currently I cannot replicate the bad blurry situation. So assuming it was fixed.

Screenshot 2023-07-04 at 23.38.30

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Ok, thanks a lot for the clarification, Yunus! We’ll keep an eye out for this. If you notice it gets bad again, don’t hesitate to report a bug here.

Hello @Joyce !
I’m publishing today, i will keep you posted

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Hi @Joyce ! No problem in prod ! :slight_smile:

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Here is an example @Joyce
This is happening when I change between Desktop and Tablet view in the editor.
Tablet is getting blurry. Some sort of forced resize is in action in the editor.

Probably caused by this Webkit bug. 133801 – CSS scale transform causes blurry content when iframe contains fixed positioned content but better being aware if you are going to use it… Worthwhile exploring what Webflow and others are doing to mitigate this bug.

Thanks @yunus , can you report it as a bug?