Apex.js library


I need a heatmap chart in my application. Chart.js does not support it. So, I found this library called Apex.js that supports this type of a chart.

I am not a coder. Is there any chance of using this library in WeWeb? If there is, then how do I do it?

Thanks in advance!

The mapbox plugin does support heatmaps

Also, you can implement apex, you just need to add it to your header and run some code!

Well, I added Apex.js to the header. Now I need to figure out what to do next

I managed to get a static chart with all the data hardcode into the JS that draws the chart.

Now how do I pas data from a WeWeb Collection into the HTML block?

Hey @lissianski!

I’ve prepared a little example for you.
In this example, I’ve created a small repeat where each repeated element is an html element.

As you can see in the following screen, there’s a little gymnastics involved with this character: `

In my opinion, it’s easier to read using js:

Here I’ve made a repeat, but the notation logic is exactly the same if you have an isolated element.

I hope this helps!

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Hi Kevin!

Thanks very much for replying and explaining things using an example.

Appreciate it!

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