Suggestions for Professional and Visually Stunning Charts Integration in Weweb

Hello folks :wave:,

I’m looking for help, recommendations, and/or best practices for seamlessly to implement visually appealing and responsive graphs (any kinds like line, bar, pie charts, gauges, etc.) into Weweb.
My goal is to enable user interaction with these charts. While I’m aware of the inclusion of chart.js, I’m specifically interested in achieving the most professional and aesthetically output possible.
To be specific, I think that well-known graph library like matplotlib in Python or Streamlit to quick develop apps are nice tools, but doesn’t look super good for a customer.
I’d love to hear your ideas & thoughts on this.

Best regards,


HI Larry

Did u ever come right with this question? If YES - please can u let us know what happened and the outcome?


Why not just use chart.js plugin? It has plenty of customization options for visualizations.

I’ve used Apache eCharts (you can see here) and they give a lot of flexibility with options/styling!

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Nice component. Is this a custom coded component you have created?

Hey, correct it is a custom coded component. :smile:

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