Any news about future pricing plans?

Hello !
I approaching to the end of a yearly plan, and was wondering if there were any upcomming updates toward a new pricing model or it is still scheduele around this summer if it happen ?

Thanks !

I slightly remember there was a mention about some sort of pricing update going on this summer, but I’m not quite sure if it wasn’t in my dreams :joy: Might as well be so. I can remember though it’s very uncertain, that someone mentioned some updates. Maybe @Slavo will be able to tell.

yep that’s what i though too
a bit sad but :person_shrugging:

Cheer up, Zachary! We continuously evaluate and reevaluate our journey, and that thinking always includes pricing. This is not a one-off exercise that happens in a specific month but rather an ongoing element of our strategy going forward. At some point, this thinking might translate to a different business model, different pricing, or both.

But for now, I don’t have anything else, more concrete, to share.

I am currently in the process of changing my Tech Stack for my activities (freelancing and micro-saas).
With the current model, the main issue with weweb is the pricing.
I am planning to launch multiple projects and paying 3+ subscriptions each for 49$ (for the front end only) is just a no go for me.
I don’t care about 50.000 visitors a month, code export and stuff. That’s no my issue. My issue is to be able to launch quickly an idea. Please consider having a lower tier or unlimited projects if you want to be an viable option for solopreneurs like myself.

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Yep same thing , a bit sad to have to change my stack but knowing my other tool “competitors “ analysis is for my use case … it’s something tha t I will need to change

In any case WeWeb has a great great potential and will continue to follow the project as it is a great tool beside strategy market positioning currently!

+1 for lower tier/unlimited projects. WeWeb is incredibly useful and unlimited would be amazing


weweb’s editor is incredibly useful and easy compared to toddle, i was going to move to toddle because of their better pricing.

But since im building only 2 projects, weweb pricing is still bearable and if im going for more projects, i might switch to toodle although i don’t like their visual editor.