I’ve been testing the building environment in WeWeb for sometime, I’m positive that this is one of my favorite front-end builders with backend connectivity out there.
It’s not perfect but I have the impression that the WeWeb team is actively continuing to advance the platform. For this reason, I’d like to give my test an extra nudge and try the publishing mode.
I’m not yet ready to commit for a yearly plan, although, if I decide to build on WeWeb, a year plan would make more sense to me. Yet, to further test, I am only willing to pay for a month.
If I activate a monthly plan, can I after a while change it to a yearly plan?
Additionally, any note on when the new pricing model will be available? As that will be critical to my decision on building on WeWeb, I’m hoping for some good (and hefty) changes, as my least favorite part about WeWeb at this time is the pricing model and the current plans.