Adding a user for magic link login?

Hi folks, in our app (Supabase DB) we don’t have the ability for users to sign up - we just create them manually in Supabase. We also don’t use passwords, we just use magic links to sign in.

My question is: Is it possible to create the user accounts via WeWeb? IE I’d like a form where an admin can put in an email + name, and that automatically creates the users.

Yes, you’d need to do an Edge Function though. Also if you wanna do it like this, make sure you disable signups in the Supabase Dashboard. And most importantly, secure the endpoint :+1: I saw many people using Supabase like this, so it’s normal, just not no-code friendly. You’d invoke this Edge Function from WeWeb. I also did a thing like this with invites purely via Pgsql functions, but I’d say it’s better to do it with Edge Functions.

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Perfect, thank you!