Adding a child element vs sibling element

whenever I am adding an element to my layout, with some kind of container selected, I constantly have to move it to that container, because WeWeb adds a sibling element by default. I would expect to have a child added in this situation. Why? If the logic is to add a sibling by default, then it seems that you always have to make extra action (move the added element to the container) when you want to add an element to the container that does not have any element inside yet. Was this ever considered?


Yeah, it’s counter intuitive, but it also can be handy once you grasp it. I usually just put whatever comes under my hand, like for example text inside of the div, paste and remove the text :slight_smile:

You can always drag-n-drop the element from the menu to the desired location :wink:

Hi Dominic,
fair point, but sometimes I find controlling the app from keyboard faster.